More information coming soon
More information coming soon
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax.
Explore encaustic painting as you work with transparent or opaque colors. Pigmented, hot beeswax creates luminous and jewel-like surfaces through layering colors, using stencils and creating patterns.Come explore!
5 spots open as of August 12.
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax.
5 spots open as of August 27
Encaustic painting is a process that produces impressive results with luminous and jewel-like surfaces and textures. Students will learn techniques such as melting through, line and edge, transfers, texture and collage where one will choose to practice these methods or just the ones that interest them. At the end of the workshop, artists will be familiar with a range of techniques which they can use as they develop their body of work. All supplies provided.
2 spots open as of 8/27
4 spots open as of August 12
5 spots open as of July 24
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax. This is an opportunity to spend a long time in the studio and to work at your own pace.
call visarts Phone: (804) 353-0094 if you don't see my workshops listed online.
one spot open as of Aug 12
Encaustic painting is a process that produces impressive results with luminous and jewel-like surfaces and textures. Students will learn techniques such as melting through, line and edge, transfers, texture and collage where one will choose to practice these methods or just the ones that interest them. At the end of the workshop, artists will be familiar with a range of techniques which they can use as they develop their body of work. All supplies provided.
3 spots open as of July 24
4 spots open as of July 16
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax. This is an opportunity to spend a long time in the studio and to work at your own pace.
call visarts Phone: (804) 353-0094 if you don't see my workshops listed online.
One spot open as of July 9.
3 spots open as of May 27.
FULL as of June 24
3 spots open as of 5/15
4 spots open as of May 13.
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax. This is an opportunity to spend a long time in the studio and to work at your own pace.
call visarts Phone: (804) 353-0094 if you don't see my workshops listed online.
FULL as of 5/28.
1 spot open as of 5/16
2 spots open as of may 13.
4 spots open as of April 22
5 spots open as of 4/17.
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax. This is an opportunity to spend a long time in the studio and to work at your own pace.
call visarts Phone: (804) 353-0094 if you don't see my workshops listed online.
Create dynamic works of art using melted wax as you explore encaustic painting, a process that produces luminous and jewel-like surfaces and textures. Beginners as well as working artists are welcome! Demos and experimentation allow students to learn techniques such as melting and fusing, line and edge, and texture and collage. Students can choose to practice all of these methods or just the ones that interest them. Paint, equipment, and small practice panels will be supplied. Students may bring wood panels up to 9”x12” if they wish to make larger, more resolved works.
Encaustic painting is a process that produces impressive results with luminous and jewel-like surfaces and textures. Students will learn techniques such as melting through, line and edge, transfers, texture and collage where one will choose to practice these methods or just the ones that interest them. At the end of the workshop, artists will be familiar with a range of techniques which they can use as they develop their body of work. All supplies provided.
FULL as of March 15
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax. This is an opportunity to spend a long time in the studio and to work at your own pace.
call visarts Phone: (804) 353-0094 if you don't see my workshops listed online.
Encaustic painting is a process that produces impressive results with luminous and jewel-like surfaces and textures. Students will learn techniques such as melting through, line and edge, transfers, texture and collage where one will choose to practice these methods or just the ones that interest them. At the end of the workshop, artists will be familiar with a range of techniques which they can use as they develop their body of work. All supplies provided.
January 20, 2024 10:00AM
Saturday, January 20 (1 day)
10 am - 4 pm (6 hours)
Tuition: $140, Materials: $45, payable to the instructor
Additional service fees apply
All Skill Levels: Ages 16 & older
Location: W7, 711
Explore encaustic painting for the first time or return to expand your skills. You will work with opaque and transparent colors, layering, using stencils and creating patterns using hot wax.
10-4pm each day